When Confucius was travelling in the eastern part of the country, he came upon two children in a heating argument, so he asked them to tell what it was all about.
“I think, “ said one child ,”that the sun is near to us at daybreak and far away from us at noon.”
The other contended that the sun was far away at dawn and nearby at midday .
“When the sun first appears , ” said one child, “it is as big as the canopy of a carriage , but at the noon it is only the size of the plate or a bowl. Well, isn’t it true that objects far away seem smaller while those nearby seem bigger? ”
“When the es out,” point out the other, "it is very cool , but at the midday it is as hot as putting your hand in the boiling water . Well, isn’t it true that what is nearer to us is hotter and what is farther off is cooler?”
Confucius was unable to settle the matter for them.
The two children laughed at him, “What says you are a learned man?”
孔子到东方游历,见到两个小孩在争辩,便问是什么原因。一个小孩说:“我认为太阳刚出来的时候离人近一些,而到中午的时候距离人远。”另一个小孩说:“我认为太阳刚出来的时候离人远些,而到中午的时候距离人近。”一个小孩说:“太阳刚出来的时候像车盖一样大,等到正午就小得像一个盘子,这不是远处的看着小而近处 的看着大吗?”另一个小孩说:“太阳刚出来的时候有清凉的感觉,等到中午的时候像手伸进热水里一样热,这不是近的时候感觉热而远的时候感觉凉吗?”孔子不能判决(谁对谁错)。两个小孩笑着说:“谁说您的知识渊博呢?”
美国彭博新闻社官网7月14日报道:韩国检察官正在调查前总统文在寅政府成员,在2019年“强迫遣返两名朝鲜人”的事件,批评者谴责指“这两名朝鲜人重返朝鲜面临刑事指控并可能被处决,称其侵犯人权”(whose return to face criminal charges and likely execution had been denounced by critics as a violation of human rights.)。
报道说,现任总统尹锡悦政府本周公布了“蒙着眼睛、被绑着的渔民被拖过边境的照片”(released photos of the blindfolded and bound fishermen getting dragged across the border)。总统办公室发表的声明说,两名被遣返的朝鲜渔民面临“在渔船上谋杀同僚”的指控,是“违反国际法和宪法的反人类罪”(face charges of murdering their fellow crewman on a fishing boat was “a crime against humanity that violated both international law and the constitution.”)。
报道说,文在寅政府之前曾表示,这两名朝鲜渔民“供认在渔船上杀害了16人,而且无意叛逃到韩国”,随后被遣送回国。批评人士认为,当时文在寅政府“缩短了对此事的调查,并将这些人遣送回朝鲜,以此为朝鲜与美国前总统唐纳德·特朗普进行谈判时,保持对朝鲜的好感”(Critics contended at the time Moon’s government cut the probe into the matter short and sent the men back to keep in the good graces of North Korea as it was engaging in talks with former US President Donald Trump)。
报道说,韩国情报机构上周表示,向检察官提出了对文在寅时期的两名前负责人诉讼,声称其中一人“先斩后奏地结束了对渔民案件的调查”(preemptively ended an inquiry of the fishermen’s case),而另一人“删除了一份关于另一起事件即一名韩国渔业官员在海上边界附近被朝鲜军人杀害的报告(the other deleted a report on a separate incident where a South Korean fisheries official was killed by North Korean troops near a nautical border)。但两人豆否认这些指控,其中一人朴智元(Park Jie-won,前韩国中央情报部部长—译者注)称“这些指控是出于政治动机”。检察官没有发表评论,也没有评论有关这些调查的政策问题。
报道的原标题是《South Korea Politics Roiled by Pair Sent to North, Likely Killed》(受两人被遣返朝鲜很可能被杀影响,韩国政局动荡)。