微软旗下的美式暴力格斗游戏《杀手本能》(Killer Instinct)系列已经沉寂了很长时间。虽然微软 Xbox 主管 Phil Spencer 不久前暗示过此系列的回归,但也并没有揭露具体情报。
近日,一篇来自外媒 Windows Central 的文章提到了《杀手本能》系列的重启情况。在这篇文章中,作者J ez Corden 描述了他所听到的“最模糊的未经证实的传闻”(原文:the vaguest of unsubstantiated rumors),即万代南梦宫可能参与了一款《杀手本能》新作的开发。不过,虽然这一传闻正如作者所描述的那样十分模糊,但万代南梦宫具有《灵魂能力》《铁拳》等格斗游戏开发的经验,被选为重启《杀手本能》系列的开发商似乎也很合理。
Some Lianhua Qingwen products are listed as Chinese proprietary medicines (CPMs) in Singapore for the relief of cold and flu symptoms. HSA approved them based on the documented uses of the ingredients present in the products. They are not approved by HSA to treat or alleviate symptoms of COVID-19, and such claims are disallowed.
To date, there is no scientific evidence from randomised clinical trials to show that any herbal product, including Lianhua Qingwen products, can be used to prevent or treat COVID-19.
All herbal products formulated mon cold and flu, including CPM, should only be used to manage symptoms such as headache, runny or blocked nose, sore throat and cough. We strongly advise members of the public not to fall prey to unsubstantiated claims or spread unfounded rumours that herbal products can be used to prevent or treat COVID-19.